You Want Me to Squeeze My What?

Photo: Jessica Lewis Cover Photo: @charlesdeluvio

Photo: Jessica Lewis Cover Photo: @charlesdeluvio

Kegels, and how to avoid doing them.

Most of us have heard of kegels, or the intentional activation of your pelvic floor muscles for strengthening. Many think that they involve stopping the flow of urine while sitting on the toilet. Nope (although stopping your flow is technically a kegel, I would definitely advise against practicing that way)! But research shows that a portion of women do kegels incorrectly until cued. Your pelvic floor can actually be a difficult muscle group to tune in to for both men and women. So what do we do about this? How are we supposed to improve our function (urinary, sexual and anal function are all in this zone, holy trifecta!) if we’re having trouble turning on the right muscles? Readers, you are asking all the right questions!

There are other ways to encourage pelvic floor strengthening and fitness without just sitting in a quiet place and performing isolated squeezes, thank goodness! Although there is a time and place for isolation, if general muscle maintenance-the pelvis is definitely important for stabilizing the spine-is your goal then read on. This article looked at using clamshells (a favorite among rehab professionals) and resisted side steps to strengthen the pelvic floor, no kegels necessary. And their results show success. And we know from other research that the pelvic floor musculature co-contracts when using the internal obliques and transverse abdominis (deepest layer of the abdominal wall). So we have a few options right there! And then there are the adductors, which also provide some co-activation.

So, an easy place to start if you’re looking for a stronger pelvic floor would be the exercises pictured at the bottom of the post. And instead of someone thinking you might just be lazily sitting around (secretly doing your kegels) you are definitely going to look active with these! Hello, pelvis of steel!

*this post is not meant as medical advice, and if you currently have pelvic floor issues you should seek help from a medical professional.