Three Daily Exercises for Low Back Health


As a physical therapist, the most common issue I see patients for tends to be low back pain. It is ubiquitous in our society, driven by the amount of time we spent hunched over computers and cell phones daily (I’m adjusting my posture as I type…). Over the past few years I have noticed that employers have made great strides in providing ergonomic desks and chairs for their employees, but ultimately we have to keep doing our jobs, so sustained postures are unavoidable. And for those of us doing daily home tasks, repetitive loads of laundry, dishes and carrying kiddos can really take their toll.

Another culprit for low back pain can be your comfy couch. The current style leans toward low and deep seats, making it impossible not to slouch. And if you’re cuddling up with kiddos who have no idea back pain even exits yet, you may find yourself in some really odd positions. For this scenario, the best thing you can do is prop yourself with pillows behind your back and shoulders to give yourself some support and avoid completely rounding your low back.

But there are things you can do to prevent the onset of low back pain in the first place. If work is the cause, use that ergonomic assessment your employer provides! And if you have the option for a standing desk and you think it may work for you, get one! Research is abundant suggesting that some movement and standing is better than prolonged sitting for your overall health. If home tasks are the trigger, try to use good lifting mechanics (keep the load close to your body and lift with your legs). And then do these three things to keep yourself on the right track.

  1. Hip Flexor Stretching. Thirty seconds to 1 minute of this stretch daily can go a long way toward reducing your risk for back pain (and can help alleviate it if you already have some). Start in a kneeling position, and then place one foot on the floor in front of you. Tuck your hips under (flatten your low back). Shift your weight forward until a stretch is felt in the hip on the back leg.

hip flexor stretch.jpg

2. Plank. A great way to strengthen your core! Planks are a great way to engage the entire core, as well as get a bit of an arm workout. If you don’t do these regularly, start on your knees, otherwise toes and elbows contact the ground with the shoulders, torso and hips all in alignment. You should not have any pain or discomfort in your back. Start holding for 10 seconds, but continue or stop based on when you can no longer maintain your form.


3. Air Squats. A great strengthening tool for your power muscles: the glutes and quads. Hinging at the hips, sit back like you are trying to sit on a chair keeping your chest upright. Go as low as you can, and then press through your heels to return to standing. Repeat 20 times or until a good level of fatigue.

FitnessLinsey T