The PT-Mom

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Stroller Tabata

Sometimes the only way my daughter will nap is if she's in the stroller. And it has to be moving. But my older son is also at an age where he loves to play on play structures and ride his push bike, and so I have tried to meld my workouts into a nap for one kid and play time for the other. If it sounds challenging, think again! Being at home with a kid with boundless energy and a baby that won't sleep is much harder:). So next time you're trying to nap a kiddo, try this workout! You'll get your endorphins and they'll get their Zzzzzz's. And even if it's one of those days where all you are able to do is one tabata, you will still feel like you got some exercise. 

A tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 repetitions (4 minutes total). Each exercise listed should be completed for the full 8 repetitons unless otherwise noted (four sets of tabatas!). If you are looking for a fast workout, just do 2 rounds of each exercise for one total set!

1. High Knees

Drive the knees to stroller bar height.

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2. Heel Kickers

Heels to hips while moving forward, back or stationary.

3. Walking Lunges 

Come all the way up to standing between lunges to get more work in!

4. Plie Squat Jumps

Bend knees keeping upright thru the trunk.

Keep toes turned out as you jump. Careful not to push on the stroller!

Enjoy the workout, mix and match or add on to make it harder! Get it done Mama!!

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