The PT-Mom

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Pooping While Pregnant

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There are a number of unexpected symptoms that occur during pregnancy, however very few first-time moms expect constipation to be one of them. It’s definitely a symptom we try to forget before convincing ourselves that we should have another kid. The abdominal pressure associated with growing a baby combined with a slowing gastric system is not a recipe for a pleasant week, or 40.

So why is this happening? Progesterone, a wonderfully essential hormone for maintaining pregnancy, stops the uterus from contracting as it would during menstruation, and levels in the body gradually rise until about the 32nd week of pregnancy. At the same time progesterone is keeping the smooth, or involuntary, muscle making up the uterus from contracting, it is acting on other smooth muscle in the body. Your colon is made of smooth muscle, and is excited to finally kick back and relax. Notice an increase in bloating? That relaxed colon is no longer working like it did to move things along in a timely manner. With a reduction in motion of the colon, constipation becomes a noticeable concern.

So now we know why constipation is present, how can we address it? A simple recipe of fiber, high water intake, and walking can really help things along:

  1. Insoluble fiber is found in foods like nuts, coconut and bran as well as in the peels of many fruits and veggies. This type of fiber is the most beneficial for getting the colon a jump start. Ideas for increased fiber intake:

    • Psyllium husk, which is a great fiber additive, can be taken as a capsule or powder.

    • Dark Chocolate Nuts and Sea Salt Kind Bars have 7 grams of fiber per bar and are easy to bring along for a quick, lower sugar snack.

    • Dried fruits and veggies. Medjool dates have one gram of fiber per date, although they are also fairly high in sugar. But they are easy to eat, and most dried produce makes a very portable snack.

  2. Water needs increase during pregnancy to support the constant renewal of amniotic fluid and mom’s increased blood volume. Recommendations are about 2.5-3 liters per day for pregnant women.

    • Having a larger water bottle will help you not have to keep count of cups per day. I recommend at least a one liter bottle to keep the counting to less than 3! Check out Nalgene bottles in the 32 oz size. But if you are having trouble getting that much water in, something with a straw could help get more in with each sip.

  3. Physical activity stimulates colon motion, and walking at a regular time daily can help get the body on track for regular voiding, and the colon is nothing if not a creature of habit. Pregnant gals are recommended to get 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise per the American College of Sports Medicine.

  4. Position during the deed is also important. Knees in line with hip height (or slightly above), slight forward lean of the trunk, and a completely relaxed pelvic floor. We have loved this stool at our house because it helps to further improve the ease of bowel movements by elevating the knees above the hips (think squatting position) and it folds up so it can easily tuck out of the way (plus it’s perfect for potty training later)!

  5. If you are still having trouble with constipation, even with all of the above, consider asking your obstetrician about a magnesium supplement. This can help soften stools. There are also other options that your OB/gyn could advise you on, just ask!

And doing these things at the same time every day can help get and keep your body on a schedule. Nothing loves a schedule more than a colon!

One concern with constipation beyond the discomfort is the temptation to ‘push’ a bowel movement out. This is a major no-no in non-gestational times, but with the added pressure of the fetus, increase in blood volume and relaxation of smooth muscle which surrounds the vessels, pushing makes you a prime candidate for hemorrhoids. And if you’ve really drawn the winning card (this is sarcasm, not something you actually want to win), vaginal varicosities can be worsened by pushing pressure. And you don’t want to know what those are like.

So to recap, there are things you can do to manage constipation (these are applicable pregnant or not), but if you’re pushing to get those BMs out, it’s time to re-read this article. A little fiber, water and walking are much better options than hemorrhoids!