A LIIT workout and why you should try it!
This workout is lower intensity…on purpose! Now why would you want to spend time doing lower intensity exercises when you could burn calories, build muscle, etc., faster? That is a valid question with a longer answer than you might have been hoping for, but relevant to so many areas that are important for us being able to advance in the HIIT realm safely. Also, there really hasn’t been a better time for everyone to just take a minute and slow down than now! I am hoping you can use some of your extra minutes if you’re at home waiting out the COVID-19 pandemic, and that it will be great for stress relief for you as well (especially important if you’re worried about the current status of the world or in healthcare and regularly exposed to all things).
Doing any task at high intensity (increased speed, resistance/load) allows for a faster breakdown of good form, posture, and protective mechanisms our body provides itself. When we focus solely on speed and load, we can quickly lose grasp of why we're actually doing an exercise (because, unfortunately, to ‘win’ in terms of repetitions or time as is typically the focus of HIIT does not actually buy you longevity in your preferred exercise or task). The easiest way for most people to see the results of a flawed increased exercise intensity is to watch yourself or someone else do squats. At low speed many people have trouble with squat form, and others do just fine. But if you add weight and speed to those with good form, some will start to break down. Gradually more will continue to lose good form as speed, weight, and duration of the activity increase, with only those who consistently work on their form throughout the entire routine keep good and safe mechanics.
So in the interest of increasing my own awareness of body mechanics I created this workout. The only resistance you need is your body weight. I think you'll be surprised how hard it can be to hold good form for an isometric exercise! This program is also designed to increase your attention to your breathing pattern. There is research that shows that around the age of 5 (hypothesized because that is when we start sitting for prolonged periods for school) we become apical breathers. This means that instead of properly using your diaphragm (the giant muscle of respiration located at the base of the ribs and lungs that drops down into your abdominal cavity on inhale), you are likely inhaling into your upper ribs.
While it is important to breathe in any way possible, it is healthier to use your diaphragm as the primary muscle of respiration. This helps to regulate intraabdominal pressure, which is key in reducing stress urinary incontinence, reducing strain to the pelvic organs (especially if already affected by pelvic organ prolapse or POP), and reducing any strain that may cause or contribute to hernias. If you want more guidance on intraabdominal pressure see here for my article on exercise in the postpartum period where I highlight pressure management. Diaphragmatic breathing is also important in modulating your nervous system’s stress response. Apical breathing contributes to a fight or flight state (sympathetic nervous system response), while diaphragmatic breathing is helpful in stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is dominant when your body is in a calm, more relaxed state.
Hopefully with all that being said, you can see the importance of focusing on both your form and breathing mechanics. And starting in lower intensity tasks can help you do both. Once you feel comfortable with the lower intensity stuff, hopefully you'll be able to set new records for your own PRs because you're allowing your body to utilize its protective mechanisms while making gains!
One more thing before getting into the workout: I have intentionally been vague about how to implement diaphragmatic breathing because it's impossible to teach with just words on a screen. Here is a link for you to follow at home to try it:
To the above video I would add that your diaphragm does not just extend ‘frontward’ into your belly. Try to move the lower ribs out to the side as well so that your front belly does not take the entire inhale in that one spot. I would also encourage you to breathe all the way down in to your pelvic floor, opening the sit bones on inhale and allowing them to come back together on exhale. These modifications are how I typically teach this breath pattern.
LIIT Workout
Instructions: Hold each isometric movement for 1 minute. In that minute, check yourself in a mirror or as possible with eyes to make sure you hold the best possible form. Incorporate your diaphragmatic breathing, but remember your abs will be engaged so your belly will expand much less. You will also probably note that with fatigue you are breathing more into your upper chest, and this is normal as long as you continue to try to get the majority of your breath into your abdomen. The order here is helpful because I have organized it in a way to both challenge you and alternate recruited muscles for rest to keep exercise form on pointe.
If you need a break or feel your form or breathing mechanics deteriorating, find a comfortable position until you feel confident resuming your hold.
Hands and knees hold: On hands and knees, with hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips, curl your toes into the ground and lift knees 1-2 inches off of the ground. Keep your back flat and core engaged as you hold this position. This photo is different because I forgot about this pose at the park!
Lunge Hold: Stagger your feet and drop the rear knee to the ground in a lunge. Lift the knee 1-2 inches off the ground and hold this position, keeping hips level and leaning your trunk forward slightly. You can lean more forward to reduce and strain or excess stretch in your front hip (of the down leg) if necessary. Repeat for 1 minute on each side.
Squat Hold: Assume your best squat position with hips as low as is comfortable. Keep those heels on the ground and chest up but not overarching your low back. Reach forward while keeping shoulders down and back.
Single Leg Deadlift Hold: standing on one foot, align your trunk and leg to be parallel to the ground if possible. Keep the standing knee slightly bent to accommodate your hamstring tension. Keep core engaged, and both hips stay parallel to the ground. Repeat for 1 minute each side.
Tricep Dip Hold: Find a bench or couch, lower your hips down to a comfortable range for your shoulders and hold. Keep feet hip width apart, chest open, shoulders down and back from your ears, and head in line with your trunk.
Hip Thrust Hold: Find a bench or couch and place feet hip width apart and knees in line with hips. Lift your buttocks off of the floor and hold. Remember to breathe. Make sure you are doing the work with your hamstrings and buttocks, your back should not feel strain.
Side Plank Hold: Choose your preference of using an extended arm or planking on elbow. Align your legs, spine and neck and hold. Repeat 1 minute on each side.
Front Plank: Choose elbow or extended arm plank position, and align your neck, trunk and legs. Push your shoulders away from your hands slightly. Hold while maintaining breath pattern and core engagement.
Standing Heel Raise: With feet a comfortable width apart, rise up onto your toes and hold. Keep good, upright posture with your weight on the big toe side of the ball of the foot for the entire minute and feel the calves burn! (no photo)
Pregnancy: after 20 weeks avoid front planking, and do side plank on knees with top arm supporting your belly. For hands and knees pose lift one knee at a time for 30 seconds. For the squat make sure knees and feet are wide enough to accommodate a bump comfortably.
Postpartum: Follow pregnancy guidelines until you feel comfortable advancing. If you feel unable to stabilize well in your core, see a women’s health physical therapist.
Everyone: If 1 minute is too long, then start at 30 second holds. Modify planks to knees. Progress toward 2 minute holds for each exercise, or two rounds of 1 minute holds.
Congrats, you did it! I hope you had fun really focusing on form and were able to incorporate some diaphragmatic breathing into your workout.