The PT-Mom

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What is Women's Health?

Photo: Kathryn Hanlon

You may already be familiar with Women’s Health PT (WHPT), or may have been able to guess what it is by this point, but I’m here to elucidate the topic for you, or at least clarify any questions you might have about it. WHPT specifically focuses on the musculoskeletal, fascial, and organ anatomy of a woman, and any issues they may have affecting these systems. These days, humans have a pretty decent life expectancy (yay!), and there are a lot of physical and hormonal changes that can take place over that time. Some significant changes can occur with puberty, pregnancy and delivery, and menopause, but there are other times where a precipitating factor may not be related to typical age changes. For example, there are physical therapy specialists who focus on women with endometriosis, fertility, or after a cancer diagnosis, where changes to the pelvic floor can occur related to chemo or radiation. WHPT is simply further investigation of body function as a whole, with a focus on how the femaie anatomy, which regulates urinary, anal and sexual function, is factoring in to that function.

A WHPT assesses the client in much the same way as an orthopedic assessment, getting a history of the problem and discussing with the patient their regular habits and any possible factors contributing to the dysfunction. And the examination portion often includes screening of the low back and hips for strength and mobility. Usually a thorough examination of abdominal (core) musculature is done, as it tends to work with the pelvic floor functionally. The exam may also involve an assessment of the pelvic floor musculature, and standard of care is digital palpation. On the up side, no speculums are involved! A trained PT can assess pelvic floor muscle tone, strength and endurance, as well as assess for organ position and prolapse among other things.

The goal of the process is to synthesize information regarding a woman as a whole to determine how best to help her. It is also about understanding a patient’s role as a mom, wife or partner, and how best to fit what they need into their lives. Do they have three kids under five years old and urine leakage with sneezing? Maybe this woman needs a ten minute home program, and anything more that that will be overwhelming. Does a woman have a desire to be intimate with her significant other but can’t tolerate penetration without pain? Maybe the couple needs to come to a session together to ensure they are on the same page with how to proceed while making slow and steady progress.

I love being a WHPT because it is so dynamic, and no woman’s role in her life and family is the same as the next woman’s. WHPT is really just an extension of orthopedic physical therapy with the understanding that urinary, anal and sexual function is just as important as knee/hip/ankle function, and that everything in the body is interconnected. So don’t be afraid to talk about it, vaginas are just body parts!