The PT-Mom

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Sick Baby Cheat Sheet

We’ve just barely begun the new school year and are starting off with a bang in terms of colds. Both of my kids have one, and so do I. So no one is rested here and we’re eating takeout! My hubby is the sole survivor right now, but it remains to be seen how long he will stand his healthy ground. In the midst of all this sickness, I was trying to remember what we have used in the past to make everyone comfortable, and realized a little cheat sheet would be more handy than trying to jog my fogged brain.

My first kiddo ended up getting sick a fair amount in his first 18 months, and one of his main skills in life to this day is his ability to projectile vomit. He also managed to get cold-like symptoms and a fever with every period of teething. So we had to catch on fairly quickly to what would ease the little guy’s discomfort. Most adults know from experience that colds can be really uncomfortable (especially men, somehow they always get the worst version of whatever is going around-aka the Man Flu). Tylenol is nice and all, but when sinus drainage is just running down the back of your throat as you wish for sleep to please take you to dream land, the mild stuff is not going to cut it. Since Infant’s Tylenol is one of the few things approved for babies, and we know from our own experiences that it doesn’t make things as tolerable as we’d like, we have tried many alternative and complementary medicine options in our house as a means of survival.

I was somewhat surprised after becoming a mom with how little medication is approved for use in small kids. And these limitations go on for years! The entire drug store cold and flu aisle is dedicated to people older than about 12. So this list is actually applicable to older children as well. The cheat sheet at the bottom of this page is the product of trial and error in our house. Bookmark it, print it, and hang it in your bathroom because if you’re anything like me, you always forget one thing that could have helped your little one have a better night’s sleep when crunch time rolls around. And don’t forget to keep the things that work for you on hand, because no one ever gets sick during regular business hours!

*All interventions are listed as per their labels, this article is not intended as medical advice. Always contact your pediatrician regarding use of medication.

The Sick Baby Cheat Sheet

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