The PT-Mom

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Postpartum Essentials

Items essential to surviving those first few weeks and beyond

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Having a little bundle of joy on the way is so exciting, but I am convinced that baby showers are a way to distract moms from the inevitable: that baby’s gonna be coming out somehow, and soon. No one has ever walked around a hospital as a way to prep for baby, except when you’re taking the hospital tour. And my primary concern at that point in time was trying to figure out how and where to get the food. Instead of hospital wings, we spend our time at Target, Carters and Osh Kosh thinking about the more pleasant aspects of pregnancy and babies (oh yes, you do need that cute baby hat!). But below is a list of what you actually need to survive that bringing-home-baby period. And these things do tend to make very useful baby shower gifts if I do say so myself!

Before the cute stuff below, here is a list of the less glamorous essentials. The hospital will likely provide the majority of these things while you are there, but you can check with your provider before delivery to see what is standard at your facility:

  • Hemorrhoid cream-anything that numbs is a welcome relief! These kmh

  • Tylenol and ibuprofen as recommended by your physician.

  • Stool softeners-no one is in a hurry to have to push anything out again. Sitting on the toilet itself can be challenging enough right after birth! Please note: different hospitals have different policies on what is standard care for new moms, however I feel very strongly as a Pelvic PT that stool softeners should be standard across the board until a new mom can comfortably have a bowel movement without straining. Confirm that sodium decussate is ok with your doctor, and then use as directed to protect your perineal area! This is much more effective than just fiber supplementation alone in the first few weeks after childbirth. If you tore enough to need stitches, use as long as you need (maybe 1-2 weeks). If you tore significantly, again, use as long as they help you (this may be months). Remember to keep up on fluids as well!

  • Witch hazel pads or liquid witch hazel to place/lightly pour on top of your pads (if poured on, you can freeze prior to use for extra comfort).

  • Menstrual pads in the variety pack or a variety of sizes to accommodate a gradually reducing flow. Read into lochia, it’s the childbirth gift that keeps on giving for up to 6 weeks after birth, and is part of uterine healing. When the placenta is shed after birth, there is a wound in the uterus similar to when the uterine lining is shed with menstruation but much more significant. It progresses from blood to lighter red/pink coloring with time, and will end up being light yellow/white before it ceases. Note: if you have incontinence immediately after childbirth, you may consider incontinence briefs because they are more absorbent. Also, don’t fret. This can be common. If it doesn’t resolve in a week or two, ask your doctor for a referral to pelvic health.

  • Ice packs-grab some extra on your way out of the hospital, or the ones for food delivery services work great too if you set them in the Boppy (see below).

  • Peri bottle-a little hand-held bidet for your cleaning pleasure/reduction in pain (the hospital should provide you one). This is absolutely essential in helping heal any tearing. It is easiest to clean after toileting with this bottle and has less of a risk of injuring tissue or introducing bacteria than using toilet paper. Plus it is very gentle, which is important with post-birth soreness. This is a tool to use as long as you feel it is more comfortable. There is no timeline on when you need to stop using it. If you are not comfortable with wiping at your 6 week check though, that would be an important thing to discuss with your physician.

  • Mesh underwear, or a number of pairs you don’t care about. See below for instructions on how to make a undie sundae for max comfort!

Don’t forget to check out the Breastfeeding Ergonomics post!

Now on to the more fun but equally essential post-delivery aides:

Undie Sundae Recipe

1 pair mesh panties

1 super pad with wings

1 disposable ice pack, filled and sealed

3 witch hazel pads

1 lengthwise squirt of hemorrhoid cream

in a seated position, pull panties to knees. Layer all ingredients in the order listed. Pull those bad boys up and enjoy 2 hours of relief!

What do you find essential for the postpartum period? Leave a comment to let us know!