The ‘Oh S🎁🕺t’ HIIT



Welcome to my first ever video…whaaat!! And sorry for the editing and baby video bomb, it’s a work in progress. But on to the real reason you’re here: this quickie HIIT workout to slim/trim down after some potential overeating during the holidays. Or just to get a workout, whatever works. I can’t actually promise that this HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout will trim you down in the time period you require, but it will definitely get your heart rate up and get that perspiration going. I hope you like this workout as much as my daughter liked trying to distract me.

I have added some modifications for anyone feeling like the impact with the plyometrics might be too much for their knees/bodies. And if you have not done any impact activities in awhile, or especially if you are early postpartum (within 12 weeks of birth) please do the lower impact options until you feel strong in your core and pelvic floor (ie: you have tried jumping and it felt great/strong/healthy and you did not have pelvic fatigue within 24 hours afterward). That is some very vague criteria, and if you are interested in reading more on advancing exercise postpartum please read here. Otherwise, enjoy!

The Oh S#!t HIIT

Every move 1 minute each, no rest

Complete 1-3 rounds depending on fatigue

  1. Jumping Jacks

    Go at a pace that gets your body warm, this is your warm up!

    Modifications: If you are early postpartum (within 12 weeks or feeling heaviness in your pelvic floor at any time), step out and back in at a comfortable speed, or if you are feeling ready you can scissor jump (front and back) vs. out to the side.

  2. Side Lunge Jumps

    Start in a side lunge position, jump to lunge to the other side.

    Modifications: Early PP-avoid the jumping and lunge side to side

  3. Push Ups

    On hands and toes, lower the body toward the floor until elbows are bent 90 degrees. Return to start.

    Modifications: on knees or standing leaning against a wall. To control intraabdominal pressure, especially if early PP, inhale on the lower and exhale on the return to start position.

  4. Hands and Toes Kick Backs

    Balance on hands and toes, keeping your back in a table top position. Kick back with one foot at a time, alternating sides, keeping the knee bent at 90 degrees.

    Modifications: Perform on hands and knees.

  5. Side Plank Hip Dips

    On one elbow and feet, slowly drop the hips down toward the floor and then drive the hips toward the ceiling. Perform 30 seconds each side.

    Modifications: on elbow and knees, or leaning elbow on a counter top.

  6. Knee drivers

    Stagger your feet, then drive your back knee forward in to a skipping motion up toward the sky.

    Modification: leave the hop out, exhale on the drive forward.

  7. Towel Plank Pikes

    Place your feet on a towel on a slick surface with palms on the ground and body in a plank position. Using your abs, pull your feet toward your hands, sticking your hips into the air. Push feet back to return to start.

    Modifications: Do plank position without the towel and walk feet in towards hands and back out, or just hold the plank position on the ground or against a wall.

  8. Your Best Dance Moves

    An all out one minute dance party. You can also use this time for a little recovery if needed before the next round.

Thank you all for tuning in! Please leave a comment below if you have tried the workout and have any feedback.